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Plant health is an overarching term for innovating in plant growth and preventing risks including pests, diseases. It has the potential to contribute to the wider goal of ensuring the sustainability of primary production on an economic, ecological, and social level.

Chitofarm is an eco-friendly agricultural material that promotes the health of plants.

Pest prevention effect

The cell membrane of microorganisms is generally negatively charged, so chitofarm with positively charged binds to the cell membrane of the microorganism and inhibits growth.

Inhibitory effect of major pathogens’ mycelial growth in citrus by chitofarm treatment (in vitro).

Items ED502(ppm)
Chitofarm Chitofarm Gro
Charcoal rot 100~500 100~500
black spot 50~100 50~100
Trichoderma 50~100 50~100
Green mold: 50~100 50~100
Anthracnose 500~1000 2000이상
1 감귤주요병원균, 2 중간유효량(median effective dose),

Activate Self-defense enzymes

Plants also have resistance proteins similar to the immune function of animals, but chitofarm activates self-defense enzymes that increase the resistance to pests and disease.

  Red pepper Tomato
Peroxidase Glucanase Chitinase Peroxidase Glucanase Chitinase
Control 120 154 5.7 118 436 52
Treatment 172 203 20.8 211 507 64
상대비 143 132 365 179 116 123

Increase the endurance from damage by salt.

Excessive use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers can acidify the soil or cause damage by the salty condition of soil, which leads to the inhibition of plant growth. In the presence of chitofarm, the plant reduces the damage from salty soil.

염장해 감소효과

Root growth promoting effect

Healthy roots promote plant growth and increase yields of crops. In presence of chitofarm, it (left of each photo) promotes root growth.

뿌리 생육촉진효과

Mode of action of chitofarm.

제주특별자치도 경제통상진흥원
제주특별자치도 수출지원정보
제주특별자치도 경제통상진흥원
제주특별자치도 수출지원정보
제주특별자치도 경제통상진흥원
제주특별자치도 수출지원정보